WINTNC APRSI am currently adding APRS features to WINTNC so I thought I would just share a few screen shots of what I have got working so far. This is all still very much work in progress so the end result may differ from what is described below. I have got APRS RX/TX working on both RF and APRS-IS internet channels. The config in WINTNC.INI for the APRS features is currently : [APRS] There is no GUI for the configuration at the moment but this will be added once the final feature set is complete. So, the above config defines an RF port using what is attached to Port 1 plus an APRS-IS port. Callsigns, paths, symbols, GPS position etc is all defined above. I will add an external GPS source at some point but the location is currently static at the moment. You will also need to download the webroot files from here and put them in the WebRoot folder defined above. I have also been advised by Graham, G4GUN, that the program fails to start up unless the screen width is at least 108 characters wide. I have now corrected this problem with the latest WIP version but I would still recommend setting the ScreenWidth in the [TNC] section to at least 132 as this is the size I use when developing the program. Also, you will see more of the comments on the APRS tab with a wider screen size. With the above config running, the program will monitor for APRS traffic, decode it and show the received data on the new dedicated APRS tab as shown below : This shows a list in most recent order of the stations heard. It shows callsign, the port the data was heard on (-1 is APRS-IS port, 1 is my RF port), position, bearing and distance from you, speed and course if the station is moving, the number of data packets heard, how long ago the last packet was heard plus the message content of the packet. Options at the bottom of the screen are for sending/listing messages, going to aprs.fi to show info on the selected call, filtering the display and showing the web interface. If a filter is applied to only show weather stations, the screen below would be shown : This shows the last weather data from the station. The fields are wind speed and direction, gust speed, temperature, raining in last hour, 24 hours and since midnight plus humidity and pressure. Selecting a station will show the history of packets as shown below : Message options including listing messages, send a message to the selected call or sending a message to someone not on the list : Listing messages will show the from/to calls, the port the message was sent on, the direction and status of the message and the message itself : Pressing W off the main APRS tab will open up the web interface showing a Google map with the stations heard and their symbol markers : Hovering over a marker will show the station information : If a filter has been applied on the main screen, such as only displaying weather station, this will also be reflected on the web interface as well. The screen below is only showing weather stations : The above is very much work in progress still but I am putting this out there for any comments and feedback from prospective users of the APRS features to see if I am heading in the right direction.
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